星期四, 9月 27, 2007

What a fuck ? That's really hurt !!

what a fuck ? 超痛的啦 ! 為什麼狐狸能輕易的脫身 ? 為什麼王子得徘徊於這片空蕪的麥田, 舉目遍尋不著那命該與他廝守的狐狸. 我以為, 它曾說, 因為你的頭髮, 金黃色的麥田總會讓我想起你, 想起曾經馴服我的你. 為什麼, 我在秋風吹著的麥田裡, 卻再也尋不著你曾被馴服的身影. 這一切都已經是負擔嗎, at least , we ever shared the moment that will last till the end. Smile, FOX, to chase your happiness, even without me. That's nothing about wasting my time, I just do what I want to. And I believe that really worthy. Thanks for every happiness u gave. I don't know what it gonna be, but, I will still be here, never leave, as I ever promised.
